Still Life Photography Mentoring Assignment | Client Photos

Still Life Photography

Wikipedia:  Still life photography is the depiction of inanimate subject matter, most typically a small grouping of objects. Still life photography, more so than other types of photography, such as landscape or portraiture, gives the photographer more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition.

Still life photography is a demanding art, one in which the photographers are expected to be able to form their work with a refined sense of lighting, coupled with compositional skills. The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them. Knowing where to look for propping and surfaces also is a required skill.

Whether you subscribe to this definition or another version of it, one thing is clear - Still Life images are made rather than taken.  Last month's assignment was to challenge, develop and teach those on the mentoring programme the techniques, skills and design of good still life images.  

Many had great attempts, their first at this genre and some tended to produce images that may be more accurately labelled product or close-up images - As I remarked to them the distinction between one genre or another is less important than the ability to create or make an image that has a strong narrative, mood and suggests something more than this is the subject itself.

I think this assignment, more than any previously, brought into focus (excuse the pun) the execution of camera technique and design with the essential element of light and post processing.  So for those who have not yet ventured into the world of Lightroom or other such editing packages then presenting a straight shot was always going to border on the close-up/semi product shot feel rather than typical still life.

Anyway, regardless, there were some great images again and I have selected a few of both interpretations for you to make your own minds up.

Jackie Rosin

Jackie Rosin

Kirsten Pearce

Kirsten Pearce

Mike Ford

Mike Ford

Jackie Rosin

Jackie Rosin

Nina Dhanani

Nina Dhanani

Caroline Gee

Caroline Gee

Mike Ford

Mike Ford

Jackie Rosin

Jackie Rosin

Mike Ford

Mike Ford

Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Thanks to all those who participated this month.  Some stunning images again and real progress being made with technique and creativity.  I look forward to seeing the next assignment images of 50mm focal length only.

Caroline Gee

Caroline Gee

If you would like to join the monthly mentoring programme then get in touch for more information or see how to sign up and book online here.