Reflections - Mentoring Assignment - See participants photos

This month's challenge for those on the monthly mentoring assignment programme was 'reflections'.  At first glance you could be forgiven for thinking that's easy enough and to a degree you could be right if you approached it as a technical exercise rather than creative one.

Reflections are all around us and not difficult in themselves to photograph - however the key to any good photograph for me is a clear and interesting narrative, in that sense the intention needed to be more than  -  I want to simply photograph a reflection.

Students on the online mentoring programme were challenged to of course execute their shots technically well, remembering to apply depth of field, shutter speed, understanding of contrast, light and tone to help emphasise the important elements of any shot, together with the essential ingredient of making the viewer want to look for longer and harder at the resulting image through, intrigue, mystery, suggestion, something different, colour, shape and design.

I was pleased to receive such a wide variation of style and subject content for review and feedback this month.  Below are a handful I have picked out that showed particular merit and importantly for me in some cases connected the reflection and source of reflection in an interesting and inspired way.

Chris Shaw

Chris Shaw

Kirsten Pearce

Kirsten Pearce

Joanne Bestwick

Joanne Bestwick

Rebecca Bloor

Rebecca Bloor

steve chilton

Steve Chilton

Nicola Ward

Nicola Ward

Laura Franklin

Laura Franklin

Jacki Rosin

Jacki Rosin

If you are interested in receiving a monthly photographic assignment to develop your skills technically and creatively then get in touch with me to discuss how simple it is to join in.  Details are here:  Monthly On-line Mentoring Programme